But I want to thank them for having created the game. Why “tortured”? Did they feel frustrated facing some of the development challenges? Were they working under inhumane conditions? Dilbert’s boss problem? The reason is probably academic now.

The audio is his/her own.Ī few things came to mind. But I wanted to relive the experience and of course, someone recorded it. No doubt a copy of Excel 95 is hard to come by these days. Eventually, I got to the other side and witnessed the scrolling credits and faces of developers, testers, and others who deemed worthy of mention. I have zero of the latter, so I must rely on persistence. This was where persistence or video game motor skills would be essential. I don’t recall turning 180 nor typing anything, but I remember walking on top of those zigzag walls and having fallen many times. A window appears called “Hall of Tortured Souls”.Hold down ctrl-alt-shift and click on the tech support button.Here are the rest of the instructions apparently: Please explain to me what’s with all these gamers who don’t feel a thing?Īnyway, the sequence went something like this: go to row 95 and select the entire row. Shouldn’t all humans feel nauseous? I mean feeling nauseous means that my sensory organs and my brain are functioning as expected. My brain knows that I am sitting still but my sensory organs tell my brain otherwise. I have always liked video games but I don’t play them for two main practical reasons: I get killed instantly and I get nauseous. (Back then, it was just Excel.) You’d have to follow a certain sequence to get to it. Many years ago, rumours had it that there was a 3D video game hidden in Excel 95. I remembered the Doom-like game I once played because I didn’t believe it. Please leave a comment, I’d like to be your friend. If you have seen the faces at the end of the tall walls, you are not only a geek, you are mature, and you are either persistent or possess decent video game motor skills. If you know what I am talking about, you belong to the selected few.